Monday, May 9, 2011

Visual Poet Concerned About Mississippi River Flooding 2011

Having been born and raised in Natchez, Mississippi; the Mighty Mississippi River has always played an intricate role in my life.  Each time I have returned to Natchez; I immediately visit the Bluff to check on My Mississippi River.  Therefore, today I pause to honor the Mighty Mississippi River with my poem The River, while listening to Mr. Charley Pride’s song Roll on Mississippi. 

As the Mississippi River swells; causing major to record flooding; I am concerned for the welfare of those in Memphis, Tennessee, Helena, Arkansas, Arkansas City, Greenville, Mississippi, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Tunica, Mississippi, Vidalia, Louisiana, Natchez, Mississippi and other areas.  Natchez, Vicksburg, Greenville and Tunica are the only Mississippi cities with bridges over the Mississippi River.

Natchez Mississippi is the City on the Bluff and the oldest settlement on the Mississippi River.  In 1714 the French settled on the high bluffs and surrounding area and two years later a permanent fort was established.  Even though the Mississippi River is rising; there is no chance of Natchez flooding.  Natchez sits on a bluff approximately 150 to 200 feet above the Mississippi River.  But, because the Natchez Under-the-Hill is situated below the main city area; it could experience flooding as the river rises.
Many have traveled your deep, murky, uncertain waters
Bursting with remnants of the past and present
Your banks poised with promises of pleasure and danger
All hail, the alluringly mysterious, Mighty Mississippi
The Nile of the South; worthy of the utmost, respect…

Excerpt from The River
Copyright by Deborah Young, Visual Poet

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